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January Aviatra of the Month: Kim Beach, InsureWomen


An avid marketer and sales professional with over 30 years of experience, Kim Beach started Village Insurance, an independent insurance agency, in 2018. Through that venture, she discovered that many females weren’t comfortable and confident in the insurance buying process.

Kim saw an opportunity to fill that gap and founded InsureWomen on March 8, 2021 (International Women’s Day). The mission of InsureWomen is to empower women in the insurance buying process and provide them with the respect and attention they deserve.

Kim was part of the 2018 Aviatra Accelerators EXPLORE® cohort. During the program, she received invaluable training, mentorship, and education and found the courage to launch both of her businesses.

Today, Kim supports more than 300 clients at Village Insurance. At InsureWomen, she is creating a network of female agents across the country who have a passion for serving women in the insurance buying process. Locally, she provides leadership to several groups, including the Mariemont Area Chamber of Commerce, Mariemont Preservation Foundation, and Route 50 LINK. She recently ran for and won the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Man/Woman of the Year for Greater Cincinnati (2020).

“The training and real-life knowledge I received from Aviatra in 2018 gave me a base of expertise and the courage to launch my own insurance agency, Village Insurance in 2018. After launching my agency, I saw a need for a female-focused insurance company and launched InsureWomen in 2021.” – Kim Beach, InsureWomen

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